Let’s Get it Started! The Beginning of Bouquet of Kay!


HEY buds! Welcome to my blog Bouquet of Kay.

I guess the first question you all have is “where did the name Bouquet of Kay come from?”

Well, flowers is something that I truly resonate with for more reasons than one.

As some may know, when I was in 8th grade my life changed forever. I lost my best friend, who happened to be my Mom, to colon cancer. #yeahCancerSucks

Since then, I have been trying to find ways to allow her light to shine through me in whatever way it takes form.

Growing up, my Mom and I would always do arts and crafts together and one thing I distinctly remember is her doodling flowers and at some point making flower pens and selling them to friends and co-workers. Ever since, flowers have been really symbolic to me.

In a bouquet of flowers, they have all grown at different times but are placed together. Some may bloom faster and undoubtably, some will serve their time quicker than others. For me, this represents the passing of my Mom, Papa and many other loved ones I have lost along the way. But, regardless of the flowers whose petals have fallen, that made the bouquet unique and beautiful, there is still a flower blooming. Me.

Sometimes it’s hard for me to remember not to compare my blooming process to another flower. However, as of recently I have really been enjoying every bit of my growth and I hope that you will follow my journey with me with this blog because it is not only for me, but for everyone who reads as well!

You may notice I have some previous blog posts that are a little more serious and news like. Well, this interest sparked because of a class I took last semester where I was assigned to build my own website. I decided to continue it on and make it more fun.

On Bouquet of Kay I will be focusing a lot on fashion and lifestyle stories.. but I want to hear from you as well! Tell me what you want to talk about!

Another cool addition to this blog that I am doing is called “The Rose Bud,” where I will be taking any questions or any situations that I would love to give you advice on… and no worries, it will be completely anonymous!

To stay connected with me beyond this blog, I will be doing pickings of the day on Instagram and Twitter where I will post quotes, scriptures and affirmations.

I will make posts every Sunday and I hope if there is something in particular you want to talk about you’ll let me know so I can write and we can chat.

I am really excited to get this blog going and I hope you all are excited as well to follow along and grow with me!

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