Flourishin’ Hair. Accepting Your Curls!

Hey buds! Sorry I was gone last week but I have a lot going on and I am also in the works of getting my new website up to post my blogs on. So here’s some good news! If you haven’t heard by now, I have just received not one… but TWO internships for this…

A Look! 

Hey buds! So along with talking about lifestyle topics and giving advice. I also love fashion and will be throwing some looks at you every once in a while! So this Sunday I posted a lookbook to my social media page and just in case you missed it, I wanted to post it to my…

Picking up Your Petals… How to Grow From Your Past.

Hey buds! Sorry for the late post today. I was able to be graced with my Nana’s presence this weekend! For anyone who knows me, knows I adore my Nana and she came to visit me at school. Here’s a quick pic of us from yesterday. But this post isn’t about her lol! (maybe next…

Let’s Get it Started! The Beginning of Bouquet of Kay!

HEY buds! Welcome to my blog Bouquet of Kay. I guess the first question you all have is “where did the name Bouquet of Kay come from?” Well, flowers is something that I truly resonate with for more reasons than one. As some may know, when I was in 8th grade my life changed forever. I lost…

TV-10 Work

Here are a few of my favorite stories that I made with TV-10 this past semester. There was a band in town by the name of the Gold Webb! Click here to check it out. Fiercely Loving Yourself did a Showcase for Black History Month. Click here to see performances. Health and Wellness helped ISU…

Spend It All at the Pop-Up!

Illinois State University’s Exalt Modeling Troupe is preparing to head to Chicago for their next event after finishing up with their past fashion show, In the Mix. Exalt Modeling Troupe is a co-ed team of 19 models that are devoted to the advancement of creative modeling in all aspects. The team was founded in this…

Courting vs Dating: What’s Wrong With this Generation Anyways?

It is really in question how many people in today’s society value the process of courting… or should I say dating? Since many are no longer familiar with the term, according to Merriam Webster entering into a courtship is “the act of seeking the love or companionship of someone.” However, courtship is something of the…

Dark Skin Girl

Since the moment that Africans were taken from their homes in Africa and brought ti America to be slaves, dark skin has been frowned upon. People with dark skin would work out in the fields while the lighter skins would be able to be house slaves which was seen as a more luxurious life. While…

My First Ever LookBook!

I have always been a fashion enthusiast and get asked by many people… Kayla where do you get your outfits from? I always try to help people out the best way I can because everyone deserves to make the world their runway. Check out my 3 different looks of sporty (for the gym/lazy day), causal…

NACWC Induction Ceremony #FedsDidASweep

On Sunday March 19, the National Association of Colored Women’s Club (NACWC) had their induction ceremony in the Old Main Room, located in the Bone Student Center. The Women of Enlightenment Chapter at ISU initiated 25 young women into their sisterhood which made their chapter 48 strong. To read more…